%0 Journal Article %T Sail d¡¯Escola, ¡°Gran esfortz fai qui chanta ni¡¤s deporta¡± (BdT 430.1) %A Oriana Scarpati %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2009 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X The only extant poem by Sail d¡¯Escola, ¡°Gran esfortz fai qui chanta ni¡¤s deporta¡±, must have been quite successful with the troubadours since its melody was reused several times. Without a doubt its interest also lies in the fact that it mentions another (or others?) poem in which the troubadour has recourse to the ¡®mala canso¡¯, believing, quite rightly, that he may offend the lady who proved to be a bad ¡®amigua¡¯. The text is ambiguous: it appears to be a love song asking for forgiveness to a lady who had previously been treated badly, but it also contains hidden threats of abuse, should the lady not show herself to be once more well-disposed towards her lover. This paper will propose a new interpretation of the simile in ll. 5-7, as well as some corrections to the previous edition (Chabaneau). %K Sail d¡¯Escola %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Scarpati-2009.pdf