%0 Journal Article %T Gui d¡¯Uisel, ¡°Ja non cujei qe¡¤m desplagues amors¡± (BdT 194.11) %A Francesca Sanguineti %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2011 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X This paper offers a new critical edition with commentary of Gui d¡¯Uisel¡¯s ¡®mala canso¡¯ against Love, Ja non cujei qe¡¤m desplagues amors, a poem that is less well-known and has received less critical attention compared to the other, better known, ¡®mala canso¡¯ addressed to the ¡®mala dompna¡¯ by the same author, ¡°Si be¡¤m partetz, mala dompna, de vos¡± (BdT 194.19). The paper will investigate all those aspects of the text ¨C vocabulary, style, themes ¨C that enable it to be classified as a song against love. As far as this is concerned, a number of features would appear to be of particular interest, such as the use of the rhyme-word ¡°fais¡±; the equivalence of love service and feudal service that justifies abandoning Love, seen as a bad lord; the motif of ladies who have become ¡°chamjaritz¡±; the theme of the decadence of courtly values; the poet¡¯s need to place limits on his complaint faced with the corruption of ¡®fin¡¯amor¡¯. Although the archetypes of many of the poem¡¯s themes and motifs may be found already in the earliest troubadours, Gui d¡¯Uisel¡¯s songs, and this one in particular, stand out because their author is well aware that he is adopting a classic genre while at the same time attempting to renew it from the point of view of content. %K Gui d¡¯Uisel %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Sanguineti-2011.pdf