%0 Journal Article %T Modern Mass Media and the Artist's Self-Disintegration in Fergus by Brian Moore %A Ala Eddin Sadeq Jrab %J Studies in Literature and Language %D 2013 %I Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture %R 10.3968/j.sll.1923156320130602.3130 %X Brian Moore (1921 ¨C1999) was born in Northern Ireland. He immigrated to Canada in 1948, where he was a reporter for the Montreal Gazette. He later moved to settle in the United States. Moore¡¯s fame springs from writing about exiled individuals. Fergus (1970) is one of his poignant novels that focus on delineating the artist ¨Chero struggle with the mass media in self exile in the States .Moore believes that modern mass media can either be a means of creation or a weapon of self- destruction in any artist¡¯s life , whether an actor ,a painter or a writer . In his novel Fergus , he focuses on delineating rather the negative impact of the life of publicity and mass media on the hero , who is a writer of an Irish descent like himself . He adopts the technique of presenting a hallucinatory kind of reality in which the actual world of the hero is inhabited by visiting ghosts of dead people from his past life in Ireland. Moore¡¯s purpose in using this method is to highlight the readers understanding of true nature of the sacrifices that an artist makes for achieving his dream of living a celebrity figure in a place like America. Yet, Fergus¡¯s predicament as an artist in exile is intertwined with Moore¡¯s personal crises in Ireland .The novel becomes a medium for filtering his passion and nostalgia for his parents¡¯ world, despite its stagnation and conflicting realities. %K Mass media %K Self-integration %K Hallucination %K Recollection %K Impressionism %K Pun %K Freud %K Metaphysical journey %U http://cscanada.net/index.php/sll/article/view/3406