%0 Journal Article %T Giraut de Borneil, ¡°Ben cove, pus ja bayssa¡¤l ram¡± (BdT 242.25) %A Pietro G. Beltrami %J Lecturae Tropatorum %D 2009 %I Universit¨¤ di Napoli Federico II %X This paper will offer a revision, with a translation and commentary, of the text of ¡°Ben cove, pus ja baissa¡¤l ram¡± by Giraut de Borneil, with a new examination of the manuscript tradition after the monographic editions by Adolf Kolsen and Ruth Verity Sharman. In particular the paper will offer a new reading of l. 20, transmitted only by Chansonnier a, while the other manuscripts have a lacuna that seems to have been crudely corrected by Sg. The interpretation of ¡°e leis s¡¯embla, que a miralh¡± as ¡®and she, who holds a mirror, is elusive¡¯ restores an image of the lady filled with pride on seeing her own beauty reflected in a mirror that is also in Raimbaut d¡¯Aurenga and Pons de Capduoill. In the Introduction the text is interpreted as an example of two different aspects of Giraut¡¯s poetry, expressed through two different voices in the text, the author¡¯s ¡®self¡¯ and the lover¡¯s ¡®self¡¯. The former, who speaks in the first stanza, gives importance to his aiming for excellence; the latter, who speaks in the following stanzas, presents contents and forms belonging to a discourse on love. Finally, the point is made that where the two parts meet, at l. 9 ¡°E per ma guerreira cui am¡± ¡®and for my enemy whom I love¡¯, the text is of great poetic intensity. %K Giraut de Borneil %K Troubadours %K Old Occitan %K Textual criticism %K Interpretation %U http://www.lt.unina.it/Beltrami-2009.pdf