%0 Journal Article %T Rhaetian foraminiferal assemblage from the Dachstein Limestone of Mt. Begunj ica (Ko uta Unit, eastern Southern Alps) %A Luka Gale %J Geologija %D 2012 %I Geological Survey of Slovenia %X Mt. Begunj ica (Karavanke Mts., northern Slovenia) structurally belongs to the Ko uta Unit (eastern SouthernAlps). The Dachstein Limestone, building the northern side of the mountain and its main ridge, was depositedon the Julian Carbonate Platform, while grey and red nodular Jurassic limestones of the southern slope representsedimentation on the Julian High. The massive Dachstein Limestone contains a rich assemblage of benthic foraminifera.Typical representatives of the reef and back-reef area were recognized. The age of the assemblage isdated as Rhaetian, based on the co-presence of species with a Norian and Rhaetian time span, such as Galeanellatollmanni, ”°Sigmoilina”± schaeferae, Alpinophragmium perforatum, Aulotortus tumidus, Variostoma catilliforme,Variostoma cochlea and Variostoma helicta, together with the Rhaetian to Lower Jurassic Involutina turgida. %K Karavanke Mts. %K Late Triassic %K reef %K Julian Carbonate Platform %K foraminifera %K palaeoecology %U http://www.geologija-revija.si/dokument.aspx?id=1145