%0 Journal Article %T A Case Study on Indigenous Phytotherapy for Skin Diseases in Nuapada District, Odisha, India %A B. Kandi %A N. K. Dhal %A R. C. Mohanty %J International Journal of Herbal Medicine %D 2013 %I AkiNik Publications %X The present paper provides complete information on the ethnomedicinal plants used to cure different types of skin diseases by the tribal people living in Nuapada district of Odisha. The predominant tribes living in the region are Gond (65.76 %), Sabars (11.36 %), Saora (4.92 %), Luhuras, Chinda Bhunjia, Binjhals, Kharia, Kondha and Paharias. A total of 49 angiosperms belonging to 29 families and 45 genera having ethnomedicinal uses in skin diseases were documented. Fabaceae is the dominant family with species 5 nos. followed by Acanthaceae, Apocynaceae and Caesalpiniaceae with 4 nos. of species each. The documented medicinal plants were tabulated alphabetically with their voucher specimen number, family name, local names, parts used, mode of administration and the ailments. %K Phytotherapy %K Traditional Knowledge %K Skin Disease %K Chinda Bhunjia %K Nuapada. %U http://florajournal.com/vol1issue2/june2013/17.1.pdf