%0 Journal Article %T Geological workshop for primary schools %A Nina Rman %J Geologija %D 2010 %I Geological Survey of Slovenia %X Systematical teaching of geology is (yet) not established in primary and secondary school in Slovenia. In primaryschool, geological topics are divided among numerous subjects and levels therefore they receive more attention onlyif alternative courses or geological circles are realized. With help of the Geological Survey of Slovenia we have beensuccessfully performing a geological workshop for primary school pupils aiming to popularize geology. With it pupilsare acquainted with methodologies for identification of rocks, minerals, fossils and properties of water. %K geology %K primary school %K learning workshop %K petrology %K mineralogy %K paleontology %K hydrogeology %K test %U http://www.geologija-revija.si/dokument.aspx?id=1081