%0 Journal Article %T Outcrop-scale evidence for the Norian-Rhaetian extensional tectonics in the Slovenian Basin (Southern Alps) %A Primo£¿ Opr£¿kal %A Luka Gale %A Tea Kolar-Jurkov£¿ek %A Milo£¿ Bartol %J Geologija %D 2012 %I Geological Survey of Slovenia %X No direct evidence for the Norian-Rhaetian tectonic activity has been gathered from the Slovenian territoryuntil now. In the quarry in the vicinity of kofja Loka, several palaeofaults transect the outcropping Ba a Dolomite.The Norian-Rhaetian age of the Ba a Dolomite is confirmed with the finding of the conodont species Norigondolellasteinbergensis (Mosher, 1968). The formation of the faults is related to the openning of the future JurassicPiemont-Ligurian Ocean to the west of the studied area, or with the diminishing influence of the Neotethys (Meliana) Ocean to the east. %K Ba a Dolomite %K synsedimentary fault %K Norian/Rhaetian %K Late Triassic tectonics %K Dinarides %K Southern %U http://www.geologija-revija.si/dokument.aspx?id=1146