%0 Journal Article %T On Chinese College Students¡¯ Suicide: Characteristics, Prevention and Crisis Intervention %A Xiaohong Li %J International Journal of Higher Education %D 2012 %I %R 10.5430/ijhe.v1n2p103 %X Nowadays, some characteristics have been detected among Chinese students¡¯ suicide including an increasing rate, obvious differences in different grades and genders, relatively integrated suicide methods and a regular time pattern for suicide as well. The principle of selection at registration, dynamic renewal and classified precaution should be followed to prevent aggregation. In addition, all students especially those with the personality liable to commit suicide should be given systematic education on psychological health and those with mental disease or depression should be offered medical and psychological treatment. Crisis intervention should also be attached importance to for those intend to commit suicide and even after their suicide. %U http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/ijhe/article/view/1579