%0 Journal Article %T Political Language in Benedetto Varchi¡¯s Storia fiorentina Charles V¡¯s Entry into Florence, 1536 %A Th¨¦a PICQUET %J Studii de Stiinta si Cultura %D 2013 %I Vasile Goldis Western University, Arad %X The Storia Fiorentina by Benedetto Varchi (1503-1565) differs from the other chronicles of Florence and even marks a crucial turning point, since the work, commissioned by the Duke Cosimo de¡¯ Medici, opens the way for the courtesan historiography of monarchy.Paradoxically, the official historiography of the city is commissioned by the Duke of Florence , Cosimo de¡¯ Medici, to an old republican whom he recalls from exile and whose republican ideas are generally known.Our work is interested in describing especially the entry of Charles V into Florence on April 29th, 1536 and aims at showing how the author¡¯s work focalizes on the emperor¡¯s glorification.For this purpose, we shall consider how the different modalities of the expression contribute to the glorification of the great man. First of all, we shall analyze the ceremonial set up for him, then we shall follow his itinerary trough the city and describe the ephemeral scenery staged in his honor in order to outline its symbolism. %K Florence %K Italian Renaissance %K Charles V %K House of Medici %K Historiography %U http://www.revista-studii-uvvg.ro/images/stories/32/Political%20Language%20in%20Benedetto%20Varchis%20Storia%20fiorentina.pdf