%0 Journal Article %T To and the construction of endpoints %A Lise Hamelin %J Studii de Lingvistica %D 2012 %I Editura Universitatii din Oradea %X In this paper, a monosemic utterer-centred approach to the analysis of English prepositions is advocated. More accurately, three different uses of the English preposition to, in which this marker participates in the construction of an endpoint, for instance, a result or a consequence, are examined. The hypothesis defended here is that to is the trace of an operation of location between two terms. I will try to highlight the properties of those terms so as to grasp the nature ofthe operation of location marked by to. To do so, the tools developedin the theoretical setting of the Theory of Enunciative Operations will be referred to. %K semantics %K English language %K prepositions %K utterer-centred approach %K telos %U http://studiidelingvistica.uoradea.ro/docs/2-2012/pdf_uri/Hamelin.pdf