%0 Journal Article %T Linoporella buseri Radoi i , 1975, revisited: A Liassic dasycladalean alga from the Dinarides and continental Italy %A Radoi£¿i£¿ Rajka %A Conrad Andr¨¦ Marc %A Carras Nicolaos %J Geolo£¿ki Anali Balkanskog Poluostrva %D 2009 %I Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade %R 10.2298/gabp0970061r %X The Liassic Linoporella buseri is re-examined, on the basis of an abundant material of reefal origin, originating from the newly described type-locality in Slovenia. It is compared with the Berriasian-Valanginian type-species L. capriotica, studied by BARATTOLO & ROMANO (2005). Both species have three orders of laterals. In L. buseri, however, apart of other, clear cut differences, the tertiary laterals are usually hair-like, occasionally phloiophorous at tip, forming a distal cortex such as in L. capriotica. Consequently, the genus Linoporella is slightly emended, to fit observations made on the two species. %K Dasycladales %K Linoporella buseri %K Liassic %K Slovenia %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0350-0608/2009/0350-06080970061R.pdf