%0 Journal Article %T Securing Website by Secure Sockets Layer in WirelessNetwork using Windows Server 2008 %A Athraa Juhi Jani %A Worood Abdalkareem Jbara %J International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering %D 2013 %I IACSIT Press %R 10.7763/ijiee.2013.v3.263 %X Internet security is a branch of computer securityspecifically related to the Internet. Its objective is to establishrules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet. TheInternet represents an insecure channel for exchanginginformation leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such ashackers. Different methods have been used to protect thetransfer of data, including encryption. The main goal of thispaper is to establish the authenticity of website by SSL inwireless network, through applying SSL to establish encryptionand identity assurance. It would create an encrypted linkbetween a web server and a web browser. The link ensures thatall data passed between the web server and browser remainsprivate and secure. %K SSL Layer %K Web security %K Windows server2008 %K Wireless Network %U http://www.ijiee.org/papers/263-L0066.pdf