%0 Journal Article %T Primary tongue tuberculosis: a case report %A SU Kafle %A P Upadhyaya %A AK Sinha %A S Karki %A A Pradhan %A P Paudyal %A M Agarwal %A S Bhandary %J International Journal of Infection and Microbiology %P 26-28 %D 2013 %I Genesis Laboratory and Research %R 10.3126/ijim.v2i1.8006 %X Introduction: Tuberculosis of the tongue is one of the less common lesions caused by the mycobacterium bacilli whether primary or secondary. Most of the reported cases in the literature are in association with pulmonary lesion or a primary focus elsewhere. Case Report: We report a case of 63 years old male patient from Rajghat, Morang, Nepal with burning sensation over tongue since 30 days. Microscopic examination revealed epithelioid cell granuloma, caseous necrosis and Langhans giant cell with Acid Fast Bacilli on Ziehl Neelsen staining. Conclusion: Lingual Tuberculosis is a diagnostic dilemma because of its rarity. Hence, we are reporting this case. DOI: http://doi.dx.org/10.3126/ijim.v2i1.8006 Int J Infect Microbiol 2013;2(1):26-28 %K Mycobacterium %K Lingual %K Dilemma %U http://www.nepjol.info/index.php/IJIM/article/view/8006