%0 Journal Article %T E-Commerce Evaluation and E Business Trends %A Premkumar Balaraman %A Kalpana Kosalram %J International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business %D 2012 %I MECS Publisher %X E¨CCommerce in recent times has exploded many folds due to the invention of new Information and Communication (ICT) technologies and applications. Business models of today are highly depending upon internet based transaction and trading platforms, use of Web portals and mobile applications. Proposition of new business models sans the inclusion of internet and their application has become almost impossible for business. Business data pertaining to E Commerce has become highly valuable in recent times. Social networking websites, sharing of product data and its reviews in blogs paves ways for promoting business in new methods. There is need to develop metrics to assess the strength of E Commerce penetration in Business and also evaluate the various E Commerce platforms. Use of E business tools for data analysis, prediction and decision making has become the latest order of the day. Changing trends in E business has a drastic impact on the organizations depending upon internet based applications for handling its business processes and day to day transactions. %K E¨CCommerce %K ICT %K Business Model %K E ¨CCommerce Metrics %K E ¨C Business %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijieeb/ijieeb-v4-n5/v4n5-2.html