%0 Journal Article %T Function valued metric spaces %A Madjid Mirzavaziri %J Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications %D 2010 %I University Constantin Brancusi of Targu-Jiu %X In this paper we introduce the notion of an -metric, as a function valued distance mapping, on a set X and we investigate the theory of -metrics paces. We show that every metric space may be viewed as an F-metric space and every -metric space (X,¦Ä) can be regarded as a topological space (X,¦Ó¦Ä). In addition, we prove that the category of the so-called extended F-metric spaces properly contains the category of metric spaces. We also introduce the concept of an ` -metric space as a completion of an -metric space and, as an application to topology, we prove that each normal topological space is ` -metrizable. %K Function valued metric %K Positive element %K Strictly positive element %K -completeness %K -metric space %K Allowance set %K -Cauchy %K -completion %K -metrizable %U http://www.utgjiu.ro/math/sma/v05/p24.pdf