%0 Journal Article %T Failures in Cloud Computing Data Centers in 3-tier Cloud Architecture %A Dilbag Singh %A Jaswinder Singh %A Amit Chhabra %J International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business %D 2012 %I MECS Publisher %X This paper presents an methodology for providing high availability to the demands of cloudĄ¯s clients. To succeed this objective, failover approaches for cloud computing using combined checkpointing procedures with load balancing algorithms are purposed in this paper. Purposed methodology assimilate checkpointing feature with load balancing algorithms and also make multilevel barrier to diminution checkpointing overheads. For execution of purposed failover approaches, a cloud simulation environment is established, which the ability to provide high availability to clients in case of disaster/recovery of service nodes. Also in this paper comparison of developed simulator is made with existing approaches. The purposed failover strategy will work on application layer and provide highly availability for Platform as a Service (PaaS) feature of cloud computing. %K Failover %K Load balancing %K Node-recovery %K Multilevel checkpointing %K Restartation %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijieeb/ijieeb-v4-n3/v4n3-1.html