%0 Journal Article %T Kuznets curve and urban transport the scope of I+M programs %A Jovanovi£¿ Miomir %J Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Dru£¿tva %D 2012 %I Serbian Geographical Society %R 10.2298/gsgd1204127j %X In this article possibilities of application of Kuznets Curve in the domain of urban development and urban transport are tested. Comparative analysis of GRP per capita, local air pollutant and CO2 emission levels, and different urban and transport development strategies of world metropolises, clearly shows that EKC concept and I+M programs are highly overrated. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 37010] %K Kuznets curve %K I+M programs %K world metropolises %K urban transport %K local air pollution %K CO2 emissions %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0350-3593/2012/0350-35931204127J.pdf