%0 Journal Article %T Hydrographic resources of Ibarski Kola in in the function of tourism development %A Ivanovi£¿ Radomir %A Ivanovi£¿ Marko %A £¿oki£¿ Mr£¿an %J Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Dru£¿tva %D 2011 %I Serbian Geographical Society %R 10.2298/gsgd1101117i %X Hydrographic objects (hydrograph) of a territory may be an important natural potential for tourism development. Ibarski Kolasin is a territory in northern Kosovo. Very poor in economic terms. Development of tourism activities in this area, it could be a significant source of income. Accumulation Gazivode is remarkably fit into the landscape, and together with the surrounding mountains, Mokra Gora and Rogozna, represents a specific geographical areas, which could be excellent tourist realized. %K Hydrographic network %K hydrographic resources %K tourism %K Ibarski Kolasin %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0350-3593/2011/0350-35931101117I.pdf