%0 Journal Article %T Design and Development of Mobile Campus, an Android based Mobile Application for University Campus Tour Guide %A Sagnik Bhattacharya %A M.B.Panbu %J International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering %D 2013 %I IJITEE %X android is an open source mobile operating system based on Linux with java support. It comes under free and open source software licenses. As per first quarter Report of the year 2012, 400 million people are using Android based devices worldwide and 59% of smart phone market is occupied by android based smart phones [1]. Android provides the support of mobile map and GPS localization. Android based mobile tour-guide application can provide valuable information on different landmarks of a university campus and guide students/parents/visitors to find the desired places in campus with more ease. In this paper we are proposing a tour guide application called Mobile Campus on android based mobile platform for SRM University campus. Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smart phones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into close proximity, usually no more than a few centimeters. This tour guide application includes functionality such as locating current location of users, showing university campus map, route direction of university shuttle and gives small description & contact information of important places on campus. %K Android %K Android Beam Bluetooth %K Global Positioning System (GPS) %K Near Field Communication (NFC) %K (NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF). %U http://www.ijitee.org/attachments/File/v2i3/C0405022313.pdf