%0 Journal Article %T Experimental Investigation and optimization of Material Removal Rate on Electric Discharge Machine for EN-19 Alloy Steel %A Manish Vishwakarma %A Vishal Parashar %A V.K.Khare %J International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %D 2012 %I International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %X In this study, experiments were performed to determine parameters effecting Material Removal rate (MRR) along with performance measurement analysis with respect to respect to input machining parameters. Experimental work was conducted on EN-19 alloy steel with Copper as tool electrode and EDM oil as dielectric fluid. The data observed during experimentation has been used to yield responses in respect of material removal rate (MRR). The objective of this paper is to study the influence of operating input parameters of copper electrode on material removal rate of EN-19 material followed by optimization for confirmation test purpose. The effectiveness of EDM process with copper electrode is evaluated in terms of the material removal rate. In this work the influence of the parameters such peak current, voltage gap, pulse on time, duty cycle and flushing pressure. Material removal rate (MRR) in this experiment was calculated by using mathematical method. The result of the experiment then was collected and analyzed using Minitab software. This was done by using the response surface method and Anova analysis. %K Material Removal Rate %K Response Surface Methodology %K Regression. %U http://ia601207.us.archive.org/34/items/IJITCE/vol2no1001.pdf