%0 Journal Article %T DEVELOPING SEMANTIC RICH WEB SEARCH ENGINE %A Mr. Suneet Joshi %A Mr. Ashish Jain %A Dr Binod Kumar %J International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %D 2012 %I International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %X The amount and variety of information on the World Wide Web (Web) is increasing in an unstructured way. This makes navigation and retrieval of information a difficult and sometimes frustrating process. For instance, Web search engines are becoming less effective as the documents available on the Web proliferate and users' queries return hundreds of links. Users may become lost or frustrated because navigation is unintuitive and semantic meanings are not used to evaluate the relevance of the links, most of which may be unrelated to what the user wants. Gathering useful and interesting information from the Web or discovering knowledge from hypertext data is a problem that may be solved by implementing measures to make Web information understandable by a Web search engine or other types of software [8]. This project discusses about to classify web search data according to the need of web search engine user. Classification leadsĄŻ the sorting, indexing, combining different results, categorized the output data. More over it provide a help to write query for the search engine. %K www %K web search engine %K sorting %K indexing %K query %U http://ia601207.us.archive.org/34/items/IJITCE/vol2no201.pdf