%0 Journal Article %T An analysis of the attacks on public key RSA cryptosystem with the proposed algorithm. %A Varun Shukla %A Abhishek Choubey %J International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %D 2012 %I International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %X The RSA is widely used public-key cryptosystem. RSA is intensively used for encryption methods and digital signature. It is purposely used in securing e-commerce and e-mail, providing authenticity of e- documents. It can be said that Internet security depends prominently on the security of the RSA cryptosystem. Since its discovery, the RSA cryptosystem has been extensively analysed for vulnerabilities. Years of cryptanalysis of RSA have given us a broad insight into its properties and provided valuable guidelines to us for proper use and implementation in different aspects. In this paper we propose an analysis of the main methods used in attacks on the RSA cryptosystem together with the new possible attack. Our focus is based on the underlying mathematical function. %K Plaintext %K RSA %K Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) %K Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) %K Elliptic Curve %U http://ia601207.us.archive.org/34/items/IJITCE/vol2no202.pdf