%0 Journal Article %T Propostes de recerca en traducci¨® jur¨ªdica: camins per construir [Research Suggestions in the Field of Legal Translation: Paths Still to Walk On] %A Monz¨® Nebot %A Esther %J Papers Lextra %D 2005 %I %X Legal translation has found a prominent place in the degree programmes at the different Spanish universities. Step by step, the interest raised in trainers and trainees is finding a place also in research. This paper tries to offer a modest contribution to this development by posing possibilities and suggestions which my raise the interest of those making their way into translation research. The paper draws a wide range of research possibilities in legal translation through questions which may awake interest in solving problems of different significance trying to promote new studies based on the researcher¡¯s own interests. Some current research (regarding both dominant methologies and approaches) is also introduced and within this framework some topics are highlighted for their relevance to legal translation. As a tool for those with an interest in starting their own research in legal translation and interpreting in the near future some basic references are given. %K legal translation %K research approaches %K research suggestions %U http://www.lextra.uji.es/papers/2005/Monzo05.pdf