%0 Journal Article %T Development of Reliable Multihomed Scatternet Network %A R.Dhaya %A Dr.V.Sadasivam %A Dr.R.Kanthavel %J International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %D 2011 %I International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %X Since wireless networks are movable and flexible, the conventional protocols are standing behind fault tolerance problems. A new Stream control transmission protocol (SCTP) is a transport layer protocol which is reliable, message-oriented data transport protocol that supports multiple streams to prevent head-of-line blocking and multihoming for end-to-end network fault-tolerance. A host is multihomed if it can be addressed by multiple IP addresses. SCTP multihoming allows connections, or associations to remain alive even when an endpoint¡¯s IP address become unreachable. In a multihomed host there will be at least two IP addresses. SCTP uses one IP for a primary path and the other IP for secondary path. Initially, SCTP uses the primary path for transmission of data. If the primary path fails then the secondary path is chosen for further transmission. Similarly if the secondary path fails then the primary path is chosen for further transmission. On the other hand Bluetooth Scatternet refers to a collection of Bluetooth piconets. The proposed Bluetooth Scatternet system uses the multihoming concept of SCTP for effective fault tolerance during data transmission. %K Multihoming %K Scatternets %K Piconets %K Bluetooth. %U http://ia601207.us.archive.org/34/items/IJITCE/June3.pdf