%0 Journal Article %T REVIEW: USE of COMPOSITE ADSORBENTS in ADSORPTION REFRIGERATION %A Vaibhav N. Deshmukh %A Satishchandra V. Joshi %J International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %D 2012 %I International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering %X The urbanization across the world has resulted in increased demand for refrigeration and air conditioning. The main disadvantage with the conventional method i.e. vapor compression system is environment pollution. Another problem faced during urbanization is energy crisis. The adsorption refrigeration system is one of the solutions to this problem. The advantages of this system are environment friendly, less noise, use of waste heat or solar energy. But the disadvantage with adsorption system is low coefficient of performance (COP) and bulkiness. Researchers across the world are working on this issue to make adsorption system a viable alternative to the compression systems. Since the last two decades considerable work is being done on the use of composite adsorbents to improve the heat and mass transfer performance. This kind of adsorbent is usually obtained by the combination of a chemical adsorbents and physical adsorbents. %K Refrigeration %K Compression System %K Adsorption System %K Composite Adsorbents %K Coefficient of performance (COP). %U http://ia601207.us.archive.org/34/items/IJITCE/Jan12-3.pdf