%0 Journal Article %T A Note on Lower Bounds for Colourful Simplicial Depth %A Antoine Deza %A Tamon Stephen %A Feng Xie %J Symmetry %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/sym5010047 %X The colourful simplicial depth problem in dimension d is to find a configuration of ( d+1) sets of ( d+1) points such that the origin is contained in the convex hull of each set, or colour, but contained in a minimal number of colourful simplices generated by taking one point from each set. A construction attaining d 2 + 1 simplices is known, and is conjectured to be minimal. This has been confirmed up to d = 3, however the best known lower bound for d ¡Ư 4 is £¿( d+1) 2 /2 £¿. In this note, we use a branching strategy to improve the lower bound in dimension 4 from 13 to 14. %K colourful simplicial depth %K Colourful Carath¨¦odory Theorem %K discrete geometry %K polyhedra %K combinatorial symmetry %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-8994/5/1/47