%0 Journal Article %T Recursos en l¨ªnia per a la traducci¨® jur¨ªdica [On-line Resources for Legal Translation] %A Matturro Mestre %A Joana %J Papers Lextra %D 2005 %I %X From the very moment one decides to study translation at University, one is aware of attaining all-embracing knowledge of every single matter one may translate. Legal translators, working in a field of expertise, are obliged to find ways (other than this all-embracing knowledge) to attain professional standards. One of these ways is finding the information you need through documentation tasks. However, working with English and Catalan poses another question: what to do when you lack the necessary sources of information for the translation of legal texts.Our era is clearly marked by new technologies of information of communication. Increasingly, computers, the Internet and different types of software are becoming essential in our daily experience. The aim of this article is to evaluate how some on-line resources can make the work of the legal translator easier. I found out what the most frequently used resources were, working with a sample of professional legal translators, and then evaluated some important points of these on-line tools, so as to point out what can be found in these resources which we cannot find in others. %K documentation %K electronic resources %K legal translation %U http://www.lextra.uji.es/papers/2005/Matturro05.pdf