%0 Journal Article %T M谷todo de cultivo de larvas de moscas Lucilia sericata para terapia larval A CULTURE METHOD FOR Lucilia sericata FLY LARVAE FOR USE IN MAGGOT THERAPY %A LUIS FIGUEROA %A JORDANA FLORES %A SANDRA RODR赤GUEZ %J Parasitolog赤a latinoamericana %D 2007 %I %X Los objetivos generales del estudio fueron: 1) Describir el ciclo de desarrollo de Lucilia sericata (Calliphoridae), en sus fases de huevo, larva, pupa e imago y 2) Adaptar una t谷cnica para desinfectar nuevos de L. sericata y la posterior obtenci車n de larvas est谷riles. El control del desarrollo se efectu車 determinando diariamente sus distintos estadios. Para la t谷cnica de desinfecci車n, los huevos se sumergieron sucesivamente en soluciones de hipoclorito de sodio 0,5 % y formalina 10%, y luego lavados en NaCl 0,15 M. Para controlar la calidad de desinfecci車n, una muestra de huevos fue distribuida en agar tripticasa de soya con 5% de sangre y en caldo com迆n. El desarrollo de L. sericata en el laboratorio mostr車 que los huevos y su eclosi車n a larvas ocurri車 (media ㊣ desviaci車n est芍ndar) a las 15 ㊣ 3,5 hr mientras que de larvas a pupas 138 ㊣ 17 hr y de pupa a adultos 126 ㊣ 21 hr. La t谷cnica de desinfecci車n de los huevos de L. sericata mostr車 un 87% de efectividad The general objectives of the present study were; 1) Describe the developmental cycle of Lucilia sericata (Calliphoridae) though the egg, larva, pupa, and imago stages, and 2) Develop a method for disinfecting the eggs of L. sericata. The developmental process of this fly was observed daily, determining times required for the appearance of each different stage. The disinfection technique included successive treatment of the eggs in solutions of 0.5% sodium hypochlorite and 10% formalin after the eggs were obtained from experimentally crossing male and female flies in the laboratory. The eggs were then rinsed in sterile 0.15 MNaCl, and egg samples were spread-plated on trypticase soya agar containing 5% sheep blood, and also inoculated into in nutrient broth.The eggs of L. sericata hatched after 15 ㊣ 3.5 hr, producing pupae after 138 ㊣ 17 hr, and the adults emerged after 126 ㊣ 21 hr. The disinfection technique used in the present study was 87% effective. It was concluded that that the complete development as well as the disinfection of the eggs could be carried out successfully in the laboratory for the production of larvae useful in maggot therapy %K maggot therapy %K fly %K Chile %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-77122007000100014