%0 Journal Article %T PRE-SERVICE TEACHERSĄŻ BELIEFS ABOUT TEACHING ENGLISH TO PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN %A Mahesh B. Shinde %A Tripti K. Karekatti %J International Journal of Instruction %D 2012 %I International Journal of Instruction %X This paper is a part of an ongoing doctoral research on ĄŽTeacher Talk in ESL ClassroomsĄŻ. The idea for this was gained through the hypothesis that teachersĄŻ beliefs about English teaching may also mould their talk. The researcher intends here to analyse and comment on teachersĄŻ English teaching beliefs. It is generally accepted that teaching is greatly affected by the belief systems of its practitioners-teachers. TeachersĄŻ beliefs influence their consciousness, teaching attitude, teaching methods and teaching policies, and finally, learnersĄŻ development. Horwitz (1987) also states rightly that the formation of teachersĄŻ educational beliefs in language teaching/ learning process will influence, though indirectly, on forming effective teaching methods and will bring about the improvement of learnersĄŻ language learning abilities. In Indian context, there is dearth of research evaluating teachersĄŻ beliefs about English teaching. This study explores teachersĄŻ beliefs regarding teaching English to children and tries to explore whether medium of instruction makes any difference in their beliefs. It also intends to determine what similar and different beliefs might be held by in-service teachers from two different mediums. A total of 100 pre-service teachers are the subjects of this study. In order to recognize these teachersĄŻ specific beliefs in a more systematic way, a research instrument, The Questionnaire of Primary School Pre-service English TeachersĄŻ Teaching Beliefs was developed. Almost all of these pre-service teachers expected to have training regarding how to make their talk effective and relevant in classrooms. %K teacher beliefs %K teacher talk %K primary school %K teacher education %K teacher training %U http://www.e-iji.net/dosyalar/iji_2012_1_4.pdf