%0 Journal Article %T Verse Letter from Gregory of Nazianzus to Vitalianus %A Erika Brod防ansk芍 %J Parekbolai : an Electronic Journal for Byzantine Literature %D 2012 %I Parekbolai : an Electronic Journal for Byzantine Literature %X The article offers a complex view of the poetic letter of Gregory of Nazianzus II, II, 3 Ad Vitalianum, which has not yet been the subject of modern criticism. The letter is a plea by Vitalianus* banished sons for their father to take them back. Based on the manuscript tradition, the article*s author concludes that the fictional author of the letter is the son Phocas rather than Peter. The disrupted relationship between father and sons is reflected in both the content of the poem and the forms of salutations used: the seemingly positive epithets 耳 老牝考而汍, 米汐百 老而汐而汍, and 耳 竹汍; forms of address which directly express a certain distance and coldness (米 污汐 耳 老而汐而汍, 糸汐), or even animosity towards the father ( 竹羊 而汐而汍 汛汐 米羊糸, 百汐百 汕羊耒竹汍). The poetic letter has a concentric structure (A; B; C; D; E; F; G; F∩; E∩; D∩; C∩; B∩; A∩), with individual com-ponents linked for the most part thematically. The letter is written in dactylic hexameter. The most frequently used metre in the verses is the holodactyl, and the most frequent caesura is the caesura post tertium trochaeum. As far as the breach of Hermann*s bridge in verses is concerned, and based on the understanding of the term &word* in metrics, the author of the article concludes that in the majority of cases the breach is only &visual*, and cannot be detected when listened to. Gregory did not avoid three true hiatuses; and in two verses, in order to keep the rhythm of dactylic hexameter, it is essential to measure a long syllable as a short one. However, metric errors may be related to prosodic licence. %K Gregory of Nazianzus %K Byzantine Poetry %U http://ejournals.lib.auth.gr/parekbolai/article/view/2997/2874