%0 Journal Article %T A Survey of Tenth-Century Homiletic Literature %A Theodora Antonopoulou %J Parekbolai : an Electronic Journal for Byzantine Literature %D 2011 %I Parekbolai : an Electronic Journal for Byzantine Literature %X The article aims to offer a thorough investigation, the first in more than half a century, of the Byzantine homiletic literature of the tenth century with a view to the establishment of the corpus of the relevant texts in accordance with the present state of research. In the course of the survey new suggestions are made and the various desiderata are noted.The following authors and anonymous texts are treated in this order: Theophanes of Caesarea, the monk Michael, Metrophanes of Smyrna, the monk and sacristan Nikephoros, Anonymous¡¯ encomium of St Nikephoros of Sebaze, the deacon and skeuophylax Photios, Anastasios protasecretis, the philosopher and rhetor Nikephoros, the (arch)deacon and referendarios Gregory, Anonymous¡¯ encomium on the Translation of the relics of St John Chrysostom, Plotinos of Thessalonica, Anonymous¡¯ encomium of St Demetrios, Anatolios of Thessalonica, Euthymios protasecretis, Arsenios of Corfu, Emperor Constantine VII, Theodore Daphnopates, Theodore of Nicaea, Patriarch Antony III the Studite, Theodore Quaestor, Gregory presbyter of Caesarea, John Geometres, Theodore Bestes, Symeon Metaphrastes, Anonymous¡¯ sermon on icons, Patriarch Sisinnios II, the monk and philosopher Symeon, and Symeon the New Theologian; also, ¡°Leo¡± (Pantoleon) deacon of Constantinople, Theodore of Kyzikos, the monk Elias, George Hagiopolites, John Xenos, George the Grammarian, the cleric Gregory, Anonymous on the translation of the head of the martyr Abibos, Anonymous on the translation of the Holy Tile and Christ¡¯s Blood, Anonymous¡¯ encomium of St Januarius, the monk and priest Antonios, Anonymous¡¯ Life-with-encomium of St Luke the Stylite, Anonymous¡¯ Life of St Pachomios. %K Byzantine Hagiography %K Homiletic %U http://ejournals.lib.auth.gr/parekbolai/article/view/290/301