%0 Journal Article %T Analyza syst¨¦mu Android ve vztahu ke klientsk¨¦ ¨¢sti informa n¨ªch syst¨¦m %A Ond£¿ej Berger %J Syst¨¦mov¨¢ Integrace %D 2011 %I Czech Society for Systems Integration %X There is a quite massive development in mobile technologies. Relatively new platform Android is becoming an interesting alternative for developing a client application for information systems because of its adaptability to various devices from cell phones to netbooks. Following text targets to analysis how to create a mobile client on Android and Android based application components. Android application parts and other important aspects (like context awarennes) are analysed in way how to use them as parts of mobile client. There is also a small development comparsion with Java Micro Edition because Android uses Java as its programming language. %K Android %K android architecture %K client-server %K REST %K context-awarennes %U http://www.cssi.cz/cssi/analyza-systemu-android-ve-vztahu-ke-klientske-casti-informacnich-systemu