%0 Journal Article %T Development of eStudent iOS mobile application %A Mladjan Antic %A Slobodan Jovanovic %A Svetlana Cvetanovic %J International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) %D 2013 %I Universit?t Kassel %R 10.3991/ijim.v7i1.2295 %X ¡ª iOS is the Apple mobile operating system, for Apple mobile devices. Initially developed for iPhone, and later for iPod Touch, iPad, AppleTV. The Metropolitan University has a Web application titled eStudent, which enables students by Web to get information about their marks for all subjects, their financies, exam scheduling, professors and assistents, and send exam registration and feedback about teaching, etc. This paper explains the development of the mobile application eStudent on the iOS platform. This application enables students whenever they want, by using their iPhone mobile phone, to get access to the information from the eStudent Web application, and to present it on their iPhone User Interface (UI). This paper explains in details software requirements analysis, system architecture, system modelling, and UI of the eStudent iOS mobile application. %K Apple %K API %K Ruby On Rails %K Objective C %U http://online-journals.org/i-jim/article/view/2295