%0 Journal Article %T THE EUROPEAN MECHANISM FOR FINANCIAL STABILITY AND THE EURO-PLUS PACT %A Augustin FUEREA %J Lex et Scientia %D 2012 %I Nicolae Titulescu University %X The economic crisis that has affected countries from all continents has generated, among others, also a strong financial crisis, which in turn, has caused serious imbalances in the economic and financial environment of EU Member States. Under these circumstances, the Council, being in an exceptional situation, ˇ°outside the control of Member Statesˇ±, as it itself states in the Preamble to Regulation No. 407/2010, considered necessary, ˇ°the immediate establishment of a stabilization mechanism at EU level in order to maintain the financial stability in the EuropeanUnionˇ±, mechanism that ˇ°would enable the Union to respond in a coordinated, rapid and effective way to the serious difficulties undergone by a certain Member Stateˇ±. %K The European Financial Stabilization Mechanism %K the Euro-Plus Pact %K European Union %K The Council Conclusions %K EU Member States %U http://lexetscientia.univnt.ro/download/435_435_lesij_js_XIX_1_2012_art_004.pdf