%0 Journal Article %T Identification of Parametrical Restrictions in Staic Systems in Conditions of Uncertainty %A Nikolay Karabutov %J International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications %D 2013 %I MECS Publisher %X The approach to an estimation of area of parametrical restrictions (APR) for static linear system on parameters in the conditions of uncertainty is offered. For decision-making indicators of domination of an exit of model over an exit of system and the special indicator setting admissible level of errors of domination are used. The case of the representation of area of restrictions in the form of boundaries from below and from above on a modification of parameters of system is considered. The iteration algorithm of identification of restrictions and decision-making is offered. The adaptive algorithm of an estimation of boundaries of area of parametrical restrictions is synthesized. Procedure of estimation APR on the basis of the analysis of a field of secants of system is described. Method development on a case of representation APR in the form of restriction on norm of a modification of parameters of system is given. Various forms of vectorial norms and algorithms of construction of area of parametrical restrictions corresponding to them are considered. %K Parametrical Restriction %K Static System %K Domination %K Algorithm %K Identification %K Decision-making %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijisa/ijisa-v5-n4/v5n4-4.html