%0 Journal Article %T Physician empathy: Definition, outcome-relevance and its measurement in patient care and medical education [ rztliche Empathie: Definition, Outcome-Relevanz und Messung in der Patientenversorgung und medizinischen Ausbildung] %A Neumann %A Melanie %A Scheffer %A Christian %A Tauschel %A Diethard %A Lutz %A Gabriele %J GMS Zeitschrift f¨¹r Medizinische Ausbildung %D 2012 %I German Medical Science, D¨¹sseldorf %R 10.3205/zma000781 %X [english] Objective: The present study gives a brief introduction into FurthermoreThe latter topic will be explored in detail as we conducted a pilot study on the German versions of two self-assessment instruments of empathy, which are mostly used in medical education research, namely the ¡°Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Student Version¡± (JSPE-S) and the ¡°Interpersonal Reactivity Index¡± (IRI).Methods: We first present an overview of the current empirical and theoretical literature on the definition and outcome-relevance of PE. Additionally, we conducted basic psychometric analyses of the German versions of the JSPE-S and the IRI. Data for this analyses is based on a cross-sectional pilot-survey in N=44 medical students and N=63 students of other disciplines from the University of Cologne. Results: PE includes the of the patient as well as verbal and non-verbal , which should result in a helpful therapeutic action of the physician. Patients¡¯ health outcomes in different healthcare settings can be improved considerably from a high quality empathic encounter with their clinician. Basic psychometric results of the German JSPE-S and IRI measures show first promising results.Conclusion: PE as an essential and outcome-relevant element in the patient-physician relationship requires more consideration in the education of medical students and, thus, in medical education research. The German versions of the JSPE-S and IRI measures seem to be promising means to evaluate these education aims and to conduct medical education research on empathy. [german] Ziel: Die vorliegende Studie gibt einen kurzen ¨¹berblick Des Weiteren werden Letzteres Thema wird ausf¨¹hrlich behandelt, da eine Pilotstudie zur Testung zwei deutscher Versionen von Selbsteinsch tzungsinstrumenten durchgef¨¹hrt wurde, die derzeit am h ufigsten in der internationalen Medizinischen Ausbildungsforschung genutzt werden. Dazu geh ren die ¡°Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Student Version¡± (JSPE-S) sowie der ¡°Interpersonal Reactivity Index¡± (IRI).Methoden: Zun chst wird eine aktuelle empirische und theoretische ¨¹bersicht zur Definition und Outcome-Relevanz rztlicher Empathie vorgestellt. Dar¨¹ber hinaus werden erste Analysen zur Psychometrie der deutschen Versionen des JSPE-S und IRI durchgef¨¹hrt. Die Daten f¨¹r diese Analysen stammen aus einer Querschnittstudie mit N=44 Medizinstudenten und N=63 Studenten anderer Disziplinen der Universit t zu K ln.Ergebnisse: rztliche Empathie beinhaltet das Verstehen des Patienten sowie die verbale und non-verbale Kommunikation, wobei beides in ein unterst¨¹tzen %K physician empathy %K definition %K patient-outcomes %K JSPE-S %K IRI %K CARE %K rztliche Empathie %K Definition %K Patienten-Outcomes %K JSPE-S %K IRI %K CARE %U http://www.egms.de/static/en/journals/zma/2012-29/zma000781.shtml