%0 Journal Article %T Chaotic Genetic Algorithm based on Lorenz Chaotic System for Optimization Problems %A Reza Ebrahimzadeh %A Mahdi Jampour %J International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications %D 2013 %I MECS Publisher %X Very recently evolutionary optimization algorithms use the Genetic Algorithm to improve the result of Optimization problems. Several processes of the Genetic Algorithm are based on 'Random', that is fundamental to evolutionary algorithms, but important defections in the Genetic Algorithm are local convergence and high tolerances in the results, they have happened for randomness reason. In this paper we have prepared pseudo random numbers by Lorenz chaotic system for operators of Genetic Algorithm to avoid local convergence. The experimental results show that the proposed method is much more efficient in comparison with the traditional Genetic Algorithm for solving optimization problems. %K Optimization Algorithm %K Chaos Genetic Algorithm %K Evolutionary Algorithm %K Schaffer %K Clonalg %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijisa/ijisa-v5-n5/v5n5-3.html