%0 Journal Article %T "PULS." ¨C ein Blog als Online-Magazin f¨¹r Medizinstudierendeder Goethe-Universit t Frankfurt ["PULS." ¨C a Blog-based Online-Magazine for Students of Medicine of the Goethe University Frankfurt] %A Wurche %A Bettina %A Klauer %A Gertrud %A N¨¹rnberger %A Frank %J GMS Zeitschrift f¨¹r Medizinische Ausbildung %D 2013 %I German Medical Science, D¨¹sseldorf %R 10.3205/zma000846 %X [english] In the context of nationwide protests 2009 also students of the faculty of medicine/dentistry at Goethe-University in Frankfurt demanded more transparency and communication. To satisfy these demands, a web 2.0-tool offered an innovative solution: A blog-based online-magazine for students and other faculty-members.The online-magazine PULS.¡° is realized with the share-ware blog-software (wordpress version 3.1.3) and is conceived and written by an online-journalist. PULS.¡° is available from .The articles are generated from own investigations and from ideas of different groups of the faculty¨C deanship, students and lecturers. A user-analysis is conducted with the open-source software Piwik and considers the data security. Additionally, every year an anonymous online-user-survey (Survey Monkey) is conducted.¡°PULS.¡± is continuously online since 14.02.2010 and has published 806 articles (state: 27.11.2012) and has about 2400 readers monthly. The content focuses on the needs of Frankfurt medical students. The close cooperation with different groups of the faculty - deanship, students and lecturers - furthermore guarantees themes relevant to the academic faculty. ¡°PULS.¡± flanks complex projects and decisions with background-information and communicates them understandable.The user-evaluation shows a growing number of readers and a high acceptance for the online-magazine, its themes and its style. The web 2.0-tool ¡°Blog¡± and the web-specific language comply with media habits of the main target group, the students of the faculty medicine/dentistry.Thus, ¡°PULS.¡± has proven as a suitable and strategic instrument. It pushes towards a higher transparency, more communication and a stronger identification of the students with their faculty. [german] Im Herbst 2009 forderten Studierende im Rahmen landesweiter Proteste auch am Fachbereich Medizin/Zahnmedizin der Goethe-Universit t Frankfurt mehr Transparenz und Kommunikation zu Angelegenheiten ihres Studiums. Einen innovativen L sungsansatz, um diesen Forderungen nachzukommen, bietet eines der Web 2.0 Werkzeuge: ein auf einer Blog-Software basierendes Online-Magazin f¨¹r Studierende und andere Mitglieder des Fachbereichs.Das ffentlich zug ngliche Online-Magazin PULS.¡° () wird mit einer freien Blog-Software (wordpress Version 3.1.3.) realisiert und von einer Online-Redakteurin konzipiert und geschrieben. Die Beitr ge entstehen nach eigenen Recherchen sowie aus Anregungen und Gespr chen mit verschiedenen Personengruppen des Fachbereichs. Die datenschutzkonforme Auswertung der Zugriffe erfolgt ¨¹ber eine open-sour %K Blog %K Online-Magazine %K Web 2.0 %K Social Media %K Communication %K Blog %K Online-Magazin %K Web 2.0 %K Social Media %K Kommunikation %U http://www.egms.de/static/en/journals/zma/2013-30/zma000846.shtml