%0 Journal Article %T On Some Properties of Entropy of Fuzzy Numbers %A Mamoni Dhar %J International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications %D 2013 %I MECS Publisher %X Here at first we are going to give a brief history of the development of fuzzy entropy. Finally, new measures for entropy of fuzzy sets in continuous cases are introduced. In this article, our main purpose is to show that the entropy of fuzzy number is very much dependent on the selection of intervals. Another important thing which can be observed from the cases discussed is that the entropy of triangular fuzzy numbers is the same for the same choice of interval length and for non triangular fuzzy number this property does not hold. %K Normal Fuzzy Number %K Fuzzy Distance %K Left Reference Function %K Right Reference Function %K Glivenko- Cantelli¡¯s Theorem %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijisa/ijisa-v5-n3/v5n3-7.html