%0 Journal Article %T Brazil and the EU in light of the emerging powers and the rise of Asia %A Susanne Gratius %J Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals %D 2012 %I CIDOB %X Following the rise of China and Brazil¡¯s inclusion in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the EU is no longer Brazil¡¯s main partner, and their power relations are now more horizontal. Even though they share the same values and beliefs, Brazil¡¯s and the EU¡¯s performance in global governance reveals as many similarities as it does differences. It is on this new base of relations that the EU-Brazil strategic association must be built. %K emerging powers %K China %K Brazil %K EU %K BRICS %K South-South cooperation %K strategic associations %K external policy %U http://www.cidob.org/es/publicaciones/articulos/revista_cidob_d_afers_internacionals/97_98/brasil_y_la_ue_ante_los_poderes_emergentes_y_la_pujanza_asiatica