%0 Journal Article %T Victims of Rape: Victims of Gap of Justice? %A Malek Shipchandler %J The Lex-Warrier : Online Law Journal %D 2013 %I Lex-Warrier Legal Solutions %X In light of the recent rape attack which occurred on a moving bus and shook the National Capital (or as the media calls it nowadays ¨C the ¡°Rape Capital¡±) of Delhi, this article seeks to address the following questions ¨CWhat is the legal meaning of the word ¡°rape¡± and the punitive measures provided to curb the same, particularly in the Indian scenario?Are these measures stringent and harsh enough to deter offenders?If not, what could be the possible measures/safeguards to ensure the security and freedom of women? %K VIctims of Rape %K Punishment for Rape under Indian Penal Code %U http://lex-warrier.in/2013/03/victims-of-rape-victims-of-gap-of-justice/