%0 Journal Article %T A Flexible Interface for Security Issues in Cloud Computing %A B. Chandrasekhar %A Derick Mathew %A K. A. Sumithra Devi %J International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing %D 2013 %I IACSIT Press %R 10.7763/ijmlc.2013.v3.261 %X Cloud computing is a steadily growing technology. It brings advantages and vulnerabilities with it. A vendor has to consider that a smart customer will ask tough questions especially with regard to the security issues. Changes will have to be made such that these changes will not stunt the growth of the cloud. A way of bringing normalization while allowing a free hand to the vendor has to be considered and in this paper we are discussing a flexible interface for the various cloud services that are available. %K Cloud computing %K security %K flexible interface. %U http://www.ijmlc.org/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=35&id=258