%0 Journal Article %T Ziconotide in the treatment of cancer patients with severe pain: a retrospective study %A G. Patrucco %A R. Bellini %J Pathos : Trimestrale di Algologia %D 2012 %I Publiediting %X Cancer patients with complex and severe pain were treated with intrathecal continuous infusion of ziconotide according to a protocol implemented by the ˇ°SOS of Pain Therapy of Casale Monferrato (ASL - AL) S. Spirito Hospitalˇ±. Analgesic efficacy of intrathecal ziconotide treatments was compared with efficacy of treatments with intrathecal morphine and adjuvants using several indicators and choosing as primary outcome the reduction of NRSPI (Numeric Rating Scale Pain Intensity).The results showed that after three weeks treatment the NRSPI reduction was about 30% higher in the ziconotide group than in the morphine group; the percentage of days the patients lived with such reduction was 78 percent in the ziconotide group and 40 percent in the morphine group. %K Intrathecal ziconotide %K intrathecal morphine %K severe cancer pain %U http://www.pathos-journal.com/doc/2012_3_Ziconotide_trattamento_pazienti_dolore_oncologico_severo_studio_retrospettivo.pdf