%0 Journal Article %T Biodegradable coatings on the postharvest of blackberry stored under refrigeration Revestimentos biodegrad¨¢veis na p¨®s-colheita de amora-preta armazenada sob refrigera o %A Dalany Menezes Oliveira %A Cassia Ines Lourenzi Franco Rosa %A Angela Kwiatkowski %A Edmar Clemente %J Revista Ci¨ºncia Agron£¿mica %D 2013 %I Universidade Federal do Cear¨¢ %X Blackberry is a notable fruit due to bioactive compounds. However it has a fragile structure, which reduces the consumption in natura. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical quality of the cv. Tupy blackberry fruits, produced in an organic system, and coated with emulsions based on cassava starch and water kefir grains stored under refrigeration. The fruits were divided into three groups: a control (T1) and two treatments with coatings. The coatings used were: cassava starch solution 2.5% (T2); water kefir grains at 20% (T3). The fruits of the three treatments were stored at 10 ¡À 2 oC and RH 85 ¡À 3%, and were evaluated every three days for 12 days period. It was determined: weight loss, firmness, pH, titratable acid, soluble solids, ratio, anthocyanins and decay incidence. The results for the chemical features showed statistical differences (p>0.05) except for the pH value at the end of the storage. There were differences between crop for all parameters. During the storage period, the anthocyanin content increased on the 2008 crop and reduced on the fruits of 2009. To reduce the decay incidence it is recommended to use the coating with kefir grains. These fruits can be consumed until the third day of storage at 10 oC. A amora preta ¨¦ um fruto que vem se destacando por apresentar compostos bioativos em sua composi o, no entanto, a sua estrutura fr¨¢gil reduz o seu consumo in natura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade f¨ªsico-qu¨ªmica dos frutos de amora-preta, cv. Tupy, produzidas em sistema organico, e recobertos com emuls es a base de f¨¦cula de mandioca e gr os de kefir de ¨¢gua, armazenadas sob refrigera o. Os frutos foram separados em tr¨ºs tratamentos, sendo um controle (T1) e dois tratamentos com revestimentos. Os revestimentos usados foram: solu o de f¨¦cula de mandioca a 2,5% (T2) e gr os de kefir de ¨¢gua a 20% (T3). Os frutos dos tr¨ºs tratamentos foram armazenados a 10 ¡À 2 oC e UR 85 ¡À 3%, sendo avaliados a cada 3 dias por um per¨ªodo de 12 dias. Determinou-se: perda de massa, firmeza, pH, acidez total, s¨®lidos sol¨²veis, ratio, antocianinas e incid¨ºncia de podrid es. Os resultados obtidos para as caracter¨ªsticas qu¨ªmicas apresentaram diferen as estat¨ªsticas a n¨ªvel (p>0,05), exceto o valor de pH ao final do armazenamento. Observou-se diferen as entre safras para todos os parametros. Os teores de antocianinas durante o per¨ªodo de armazenamento aumentaram na safra de 2008 e diminu¨ªram nos frutos de 2009. Para redu o da incid¨ºncia de podrid es recomenda-se a utiliza o do revestimento com gr os de kefir, e esses %K Amora %K F¨¦cula de mandioca %K Kefir de ¨¢gua %K Frutas %K Conserva o %K Blackberry %K Cassava starch %K Water kefir %K Fruits %K Conservation %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1806-66902013000200012