%0 Journal Article %T The Important Role of People, Process and Technology during Software Project Requirement %A A. Haron %A S. Sahibuddin %A M. Harun %A N. H. Zakaria %J International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing %D 2013 %I IACSIT Press %R 10.7763/ijmlc.2013.v3.266 %X The need of organisation is to enhance the services through Malaysian Public Sector system application. This paper described the role of people, process and technology during software project requirement in Malaysian Public Sector. We have done the survey to the IT Manager in Malaysian Public Sector. The Public Sector IT Manager contributed their working experienced and knowledge for the survey. The purpose of the survey is to determine the RE practice that implemented during software project requirement. We also determine the role for people, process and technology during the software project requirement. The result shows that 79.7 percent of IT Manager in Malaysia Public Sector has roles in software project requirement such as project leader, project manager and team leader. Some of them have to be a consultant to other agency or organization. They play their roles in business rules, business process indirectly. %K Requirement engineering %K requirement engineering process %K SWOT analysis %K software project success factor. %U http://www.ijmlc.org/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=35&id=263