%0 Journal Article %T THE INSTITUTION OF SANGAT: A SIKH MODEL OF CIVIL SOCIETY %A ARVINDER SINGH %J Golden Research Thoughts %D 2013 %I Laxmi Book Publication %R 10.9780/22315063 %X Guru Nanak and his successor Sikh Gurus established the institution of Sangatwith view to provide a platform to society for collective salvation and cooperativeendeavor to restructure the obsolete socio-religious traditions and institutions. TheSangat sow the seeds of civil society in an age when mankind was sharply fragmented onthe basis of caste, creed, race, color etc. Sangat educate, motivate and train anindividual to live truthfully and to seek the merger with Infinite Reality (God). Sangattransforms the vision and way of life of human beings and enable them to be saintsoldierand seeker of Ultimate Truth in the companionship of realized and divinelyinspired souls. %K Sangat %K Civil Society %K companionship %K organizing %K individualism. %U http://aygrt.isrj.net/UploadedData/2001.pdf