%0 Journal Article %T Prevalence of depressive symptomatology in students of seventh grade of an educational institution in Cali, Colombia. Pilot study %A G車mez-Alhach Jennifer %A Cassiani-Miranda Carlos %A M芍rquez-Quila Loren Julissa %A Arg邦ello-S芍nchez Andrea %J Revista Ciencias Biom谷dicas %D 2012 %I Universidad de Cartagena %X Introduction: the depression is an heterogeneous group of disorders that, accordingto the OMS, affect to 121 million people approximately.Objective: to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms of clinical importance(DSCI) in students of a public institution.Methods: descriptive observational and cross-sectional study fulfilled in 2010, tostudents of seventh grade of a public educational institution of the city of Cali, Colombia.The modified scale of Zung and a socio-demographics data form were applied.Results: the global prevalence of DSCI was of 51.2%. 61.5% of the cases went of malegender and 47% of female gender, with predominance of DSCI between ages of 12 to14 years.Conclusion: it was found a high prevalence of DSCI in students of a Colombianeducational institution of the public sector, higher than what was found by otherauthors. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2012;3(2): 249-253RESUMEN:Introducci車n: la depresi車n es un grupo heterog谷neo de trastornos que de acuerdo conla OMS afectan a aproximadamente 121 millones de personas.Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de s赤ntomas depresivos de importancia cl赤nica(SDIC) en estudiantes de una instituci車n p迆blica.Material y m谷todos: estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal realizadoen el a o 2010, a estudiantes de s谷ptimo grado de una instituci車n educativa p迆blica dela ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Se aplic車 la escala de Zung modificada y un formulario dedatos socio-demogr芍ficos.Resultados: la prevalencia global de SDIC fue del 51.2%. El 61.5% de los casoscorresponde al g谷nero masculino y el 47% en el g谷nero femenino, con predominio deSDIC entre edades de 12 a 14 a os.Conclusi車n: se encontr車 una elevada prevalencia de SDIC en estudiantes de unainstituci車n educativa colombiana del sector p迆blico, muy por encima de lo reportadopor otros autores. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2012;3(2): 249-253 %K Depression %K Prevalence %K Adolescents %K Students %K Colombia %U http://www.revistacienciasbiomedicas.com/index.php/revciencbiomed/article/view/208/166