%0 Journal Article %T Bounded sequence of symbol classes of pseudodifferential operator %A Sh. Hussein %A M. El-Moudier Gobar %J International Journal of Mathematical Analysis %D 2013 %I %X We investigate the properties of an exotic sequence of symbol classes ofpseudodifferential operators. A sequence of Sjostrand's classes will be discussin methods of time-frequency analysis .The time frequency leads to simpleSjostrand's fundamental results of modifying generalizations. %K Pseudodifferential operators %K exotic sequence of symbol classes %K Wigner distribution %K Gabor frame %K short-time Fourier transform %K spectral invariance %K almost diagonalization %K modulation space %K Wiener's lemma %U http://www.m-hikari.com/ijma/ijma-2013/ijma-5-8-2013/gobarIJMA5-8-2013.pdf