%0 Journal Article %T A unuqueness theorem for Sturm-Lioville operators with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions %A Yu-Ping Wang %J Tamkang Journal of Mathematics %D 2012 %I Tamkang University %R 10.5556/j.tkjm.43.2012.145-152 %X In this paper, we discuss the inverse problem for Sturm- Liouville operators with boundary conditions having fractional linear function of spectral parameter on the finite interval $[0, 1].$ Using Weyl m-function techniques, we establish a uniqueness theorem. i.e., If q(x) is prescribed on $[0,frac{1}{2}+alpha]$ for some $alphain [0,1),$ then the potential $q(x)$ on the interval $[0, 1]$ and fractional linear function $frac{a_2lambda+b_2}{c_2lambda+d_2}$ of the boundary condition are uniquely determined by a subset $Ssubset sigma (L)$ and fractional linear function $frac{a_1lambda+b_1}{c_1lambda+d_1}$ of the boundary condition. %K Gesztesy-Simon theorem %K inverse problem %K eigenparameter dependent boundary condition %K spectrum. %U http://journals.math.tku.edu.tw/index.php/TKJM/article/view/1024